Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bible Reference: 

1 Timothy 4:6-11 

A Good Servant of Jesus Christ

…exercise yourself toward godliness. For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come… 

Day 28...still hanging in there! You ever get stuck not knowing what to read but you hungry so you just start reading something? God is good and no matter what you read from His word, God will use it for the good! Amen! We just got to be willing to overcome the enemy and READ anyway.
It seems after reading the one chapter in the daily challenge, you begin to want more after some time and this is a good thing. So keep on keep on in God's word, Amen!
In 2 Thessalonians 3 I just wanted to point out this verse:
"May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance."
The whole purpose or main purpose for this challenge was to see how important the word of God is in our lives. We need the word! The Word is food for our souls! It is life to our spirit man! Amen!
We need God's direction and it is through God's word, His love, and our perseverance in Christ that we mature and are enabled to better serve God in the ministry he has blessed us with. We are going on from faith to faith, ever increasing in the joy of the Lord! God is able and we are His workmanship created in Him for good works. Now let's work this faith and work in the perseverance of God! He will give us strength to endure! Amen!
We can do all things through Christ! Once we begin to get the revelation James revealed to us, that we need to count it all joy when we go through temptation and trials and go through with a smile and be kind to those who mistreat us not expecting anything in return. Own no man nothing but to love them. The Love of God is unconditional and no respecter of persons.
May the love of God dwell in us richly, Amen! Help us see beyond the outward appearance Lord. Help us to see the heart of the man, so that we can effectively minister and not turn others away from the cross. Help us to be rooted and grounded in your love, mercy, and kindness and to treat others as we would want to be treated. IN Jesus' Name, Amen!
Who knows if you're entertaining angels?!? Love your neighbor as yourself!

30 Day Challenge

DAY 1 Galatians 1

DAY 2 Galatians 2

DAY 3 Galatians 3

DAY 4 Galatians 4

DAY 5 Galatians 5

DAY 6 Galatians 6

DAY 7 Ephesians 1

DAY 8 Ephesians 2

DAY 9 Ephesians 3

DAY 10 Ephesians 4

DAY 11 Ephesians 5

DAY 12 Ephesians 6

DAY 13 Philippians 1

DAY 14 Philippians 2

DAY 15 Philippians 3

DAY 16 Philippians 4

DAY 17 Colossians 1

DAY 18 Colossians 2

DAY 19 Colossians 3

DAY 20 Colossians 4

DAY 21 1st Thessalonians 1

DAY 22 1st Thessalonians 2

DAY 23 1st Thessalonians 3

DAY 24 1st Thessalonians 4

DAY 25 1st Thessalonians 5

DAY 26 2nd Thessalonians 1

DAY 27 2nd Thessalonians 2

DAY 28 2nd Thessalonians 3

DAY 29 1 Timothy 1

DAY 30 1 Timothy 2 

Friends, let me leave you with this…our 30 day challenge closing:

(1)  Faith comes by hearing, and  hearing by the word of God

(2)  Without Faith it is impossible to please God

 (3)  Faith without works is dead 

Philippians 4:8

New International Version (NIV)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 

Walk in the Spirit, 

Prophetess Deanna Mack 

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