Monday, June 16, 2014

30 Day Spiritually Fit Bible Challenge—DAY 24

Living to Please God!

Bible Reference: 

1 Timothy 4:6-11 

A Good Servant of Jesus Christ

…exercise yourself toward godliness. For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come…

Today I am encouraged to live the life God has given me right where I am to the fullest, Amen! It’s time to look at your cup as filling up rather than going empty. When we change our way of thinking, we can ultimately change our life!

Just imagine every negative thought shot down with a positive thought. Even though someone is doing you wrong, you respond with love and respect anyway. We’re not built in this flesh to walk in such a way, but the God we serve is more than able and when we walk in His spirit, He will guide us, correct us, and give us the strength to PUSH through, halleluyah! We can do all things through Christ!

Now its Day 24 and 1 Thessalonians 4 is encouraging us to live pleasing to God, not just now but growing more and more in the pleasures of our Lord from faith to faith! Praise God! We are pressing toward the goal in Jesus Christ! Divorce is not pleasing to God, sex before marriage is not pleasing to God, anger, lying, stealing...our hearts are desperately wicked but the king of righteousness cleanses us from all sin as we walk with Him.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the world and the world is desensitizing us more and more to the point that sanctification is unheard of. We no longer want to guard our ears and our eyes from sin, but we invite it in and think as long as we are not physically taking part in it we are okay. But don’t you know men and women of God what you sow, that you shall also reap. What you put in, must come out. So be careful and listen to the warning the word of God has for us to live to please God in sanctification and holiness through Jesus Christ.

Jesus didn't die for us to continue in sin but for our deliverance. He died so that we would have a way back to the father as it was in the beginning. May God deliver our minds from this trap of the enemy! The enemy knows if he keeps us close to sin in some way, the easier it is for him to creep in to different areas of our lives to get us off track in the Lord. I rebuke that devil right now in the name of Jesus! I see you Satan and you will NOT embark on this territory for as for me and my house we will serve the Lord, Amen! Choose today who you will serve!
As this chapter concludes and the word of God is true, Jesus will return with the sound of a trumpet and voice of an archangel. First the dead in Christ will rise and then those alive in Christ will meet him in the clouds and forever be in his presence. Amen!

It’s time to live for God to the fullest! We give our all in and to many things, but will we give our God our all? He wants it all today! So give it ALL!

30 Day Challenge

DAY 1 Galatians 1

DAY 2 Galatians 2

DAY 3 Galatians 3

DAY 4 Galatians 4

DAY 5 Galatians 5

DAY 6 Galatians 6

DAY 7 Ephesians 1

DAY 8 Ephesians 2

DAY 9 Ephesians 3

DAY 10 Ephesians 4

DAY 11 Ephesians 5

DAY 12 Ephesians 6

DAY 13 Philippians 1

DAY 14 Philippians 2

DAY 15 Philippians 3

DAY 16 Philippians 4

DAY 17 Colossians 1

DAY 18 Colossians 2

DAY 19 Colossians 3

DAY 20 Colossians 4

DAY 21 1st Thessalonians 1

DAY 22 1st Thessalonians 2

DAY 23 1st Thessalonians 3

DAY 24 1st Thessalonians 4

DAY 25 1st Thessalonians 5

DAY 26 2nd Thessalonians 1

DAY 27 2nd Thessalonians 2

DAY 28 2nd Thessalonians 3

DAY 29 1 Timothy 1

DAY 30 1 Timothy 2 

Friends, let me leave you with this…our 30 day challenge closing:

(1)  Faith comes by hearing, and  hearing by the word of God

(2)  Without Faith it is impossible to please God

 (3)  Faith without works is dead 

Philippians 4:8

New International Version (NIV)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 

Walk in the Spirit, 

Prophetess Deanna Mack 



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