Sunday, June 15, 2014

30 Day Spiritually Fit Bible Challenge—DAY 23


Just Believe!

Bible Reference: 

1 Timothy 4:6-11 

A Good Servant of Jesus Christ

…exercise yourself toward godliness. For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come…


I love it when God’s work is seen amongst you, when you can actually feel God and see the fruits moving in your life. God is doing an amazing work in my marriage and he won’t let me give up because everywhere I turn He is encouraging me to hold on, to be strong, to stand firm, and His love never fails. Amen!

I just wanted to note today’s scripture at church from Mark 5 about the healing of Jairus’ daughter. I love it because the story seems unrelated until you look for application.

Here’s a quick rundown of what happened. First, Jairus comes to Jesus in this situation. During this time, people came to Jairus and told him not to bother Jesus since his daughter was already dead, but Jesus told him not to be scared and to just believe. The people at Jairus’ house made fun of Jesus when he said the girl was not dead but asleep. Jesus put them all out except the child’s mother, father, and the disciples with him. When Jesus spoke to the child, the child awoke, stood up, began to walk, and then was given something to eat.

What captured my thoughts in this message was “Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” The devil can’t have my marriage! The devil can’t have my daughters, my sons, and everything I got belongs to God! It is by faith mountains move! Amen!

Often I want to just give up, be single, and not worry about marriage anymore or dealing with another person’s ideas and suggestions which often clash with my own, but God says just trust him, he has it, and have faith. I have been hearing the same basic message over and over again for a few years now. God does not want me to give up, but Satan does and he is trying hard to keep us down. But he will not have the victory because God speaks and his will is being made more plain to me every day. I can choose to throw in the towel or I can choose to trust God and follow him. I know he’ll lead me in the right direction.

I am constantly reminded of the dream when my husband fell into a prideful pit, but then we were reunited on the bridge and taken into a house where the father and the son prepared gifts. My husband and I will do ministry again together and the latter will be far greater than the first. God told me to be strong in him, taking up the full armor of God, and doing all to stand against the wiles of the devil. The battle is spiritual and I have to remember that I am not fighting my husband but I am fighting the enemy, Satan.

Now, day 23…let’s continue to fight the good fight of faith and stand firm in God’s word our sword! Amen! The devil’s under our feet!!! In Jesus’ name!

30 Day Challenge

DAY 1 Galatians 1

DAY 2 Galatians 2

DAY 3 Galatians 3

DAY 4 Galatians 4

DAY 5 Galatians 5

DAY 6 Galatians 6

DAY 7 Ephesians 1

DAY 8 Ephesians 2

DAY 9 Ephesians 3

DAY 10 Ephesians 4

DAY 11 Ephesians 5

DAY 12 Ephesians 6

DAY 13 Philippians 1

DAY 14 Philippians 2

DAY 15 Philippians 3

DAY 16 Philippians 4

DAY 17 Colossians 1

DAY 18 Colossians 2

DAY 19 Colossians 3

DAY 20 Colossians 4

DAY 21 1st Thessalonians 1

DAY 22 1st Thessalonians 2

DAY 23 1st Thessalonians 3

DAY 24 1st Thessalonians 4

DAY 25 1st Thessalonians 5

DAY 26 2nd Thessalonians 1

DAY 27 2nd Thessalonians 2

DAY 28 2nd Thessalonians 3

DAY 29 1 Timothy 1

DAY 30 1 Timothy 2 

Friends, let me leave you with this…our 30 day challenge closing:

(1)  Faith comes by hearing, and  hearing by the word of God

(2)  Without Faith it is impossible to please God

 (3)  Faith without works is dead 

Philippians 4:8

New International Version (NIV)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 

Walk in the Spirit, 

Prophetess Deanna Mack 


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