Saturday, August 2, 2014

Setting the Atmosphere

What is in your "Atmosphere'?
I've been talking shifting, anointing, a breathing, and uprising...there is a manifestation in the atmosphere.
God is showing Himself in awesome ways where we have no choice but to turn up to Him and think, "My God, My God!" I speak from my own experience. When God begins to talk to you personally and things begin to come to pass just as He spoke to can you not serve him.
Many times we are too wrapped up in ourselves, warped from this decaying world we live just seems to pass us by day by day. What am I saying you ask? We get too caught up in our own lives and end up missing that still small voice which speaks to all of us. I'm no better than anyone else. We are all created in His image and in His likeness and God is no respecter of persons, but...we have choice!
Who did you choose when you woke up this morning? Did you choose to do evil in the place of good? Because they are always both before us daily. The devil seeks those whom he can devour, shut up, make mute, shut up the praise to our Lord, shackle your feet, and make lame. But there is a God mightier than he, the one true God, the only wise God, who gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, slain for our sins so that we can lift our voice and praise and serve Him, so we can dance and sing, shout and make music in His name. He breaks every yoke and every chain and quenches every fiery dart of the devil. Choose ye this day whom you shall serve. Choose Jesus!
The path you choose is the master of your soul so choose wisely and be aware that what you allow in your atmosphere that you will also reap. What you sow, that you will also receive. If you desire to know God and follow Him, His hands are outstretched and He is speaking to you even now the direction you shall go. But are you listening? Open your ears and don't play the hard role. Hardness must be broken, envy, jealousy, and anger must cease. The beast in you needs a new mode and that mode is Christ!
Set up your atmosphere. Surround yourself with believers that will uplift and encourage you to do what's right. You can only grow to the standard you surround yourself with, so surround yourself with those you feel are better than you, that you can look up to as an example, and that can help you be a better person instead of those who will bring you down.
God has prepared a place for you in His Kingdom, but will you accept His invitation and come in or is He still knocking at your door?
Surround yourself with people and things that bring love, joy, and peace, those who show forth kindness and gentleness, faith and mercy, patience, goodness and self-control because it is these who walk in the spirit.
Set your atmosphere with prayer and worship! Once we begin to operate in the spiritual the presence of the enemy will have to cease every time we enter in. Try it and see what God will do! The devil can't stop your praise unless you let him! Amen!
Acts 16:25-26New International Version (NIV)25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.
Walk in the Spirit,
Prophetess Deanna Mack

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