Monday, June 30, 2014

30 Day Spiritually Fit Bible Challenge—DAY 30

Conversations With God

Bible Reference: 
1 Timothy 4:6-11 

A Good Servant of Jesus Christ

…exercise yourself toward godliness. For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come… 

Word of the Day: Shammah
Tonight during bible class we talked about the fruit of the spirit and through another ministry today I heard the fruit of the spirit is more powerful and more dangerous to the enemy than the gifts. Think about that for a moment...
Now, as we bring this 30 day challenge to a close, we are coming to a place of revelation and realization. God is revealing purpose and presence and we are realizing his power throughout the earth. Amen! To possess the fruit of the spirit is to possess God's presence. The fruit of the spirit is God in you...His Presence manifested! Amen!
As God ministered through the man of God tonight I got the message that God is with me. Then, as we began to worship and pray God began to minister to me and "Shammah, Shammah, Shammah" was the word of repetition. So of course I had to look it up and I found that "Shammah" means God is here, He is in this place ,He is with me. Halleluyah! God's presence is here!
Who is this God that speaks? The Lord God Almighty! El Shaddai! Yahweh Shammah! He is ever with me! Halleluyah!
If we just quiet ourselves and listen to that still small voice...He is even speaking! You can have conversations with God and He will tell you great and marvelous things and He will lead you in the ways of righteousness. Our conversation the other day went something like this:
Me:God I'm tired of being treated like this. Every time I try its thrown in my face. (in tears...)
God: You can do all things through Christ...
Me: But its not fair Lord...
God: To who much is given, much is required...
Me: (More tears...)
God: It is through your obedience some will be saved. They will see your love and devotion to Me and return to Me...
Are you having conversations with God? Maybe you are and you don't even realize it. It's time to walk in the spirit and walk out this life of faith we proclaim. Withholding nothing, surrender all to Jesus! Amen! There is POWER in God's presence!
Talk to him...He's listening...He is Shammah! Praise God!
30 Day Challenge

DAY 1 Galatians 1

DAY 2 Galatians 2

DAY 3 Galatians 3

DAY 4 Galatians 4

DAY 5 Galatians 5

DAY 6 Galatians 6

DAY 7 Ephesians 1

DAY 8 Ephesians 2

DAY 9 Ephesians 3

DAY 10 Ephesians 4

DAY 11 Ephesians 5

DAY 12 Ephesians 6

DAY 13 Philippians 1

DAY 14 Philippians 2

DAY 15 Philippians 3

DAY 16 Philippians 4

DAY 17 Colossians 1

DAY 18 Colossians 2

DAY 19 Colossians 3

DAY 20 Colossians 4

DAY 21 1st Thessalonians 1

DAY 22 1st Thessalonians 2

DAY 23 1st Thessalonians 3

DAY 24 1st Thessalonians 4

DAY 25 1st Thessalonians 5

DAY 26 2nd Thessalonians 1

DAY 27 2nd Thessalonians 2

DAY 28 2nd Thessalonians 3

DAY 29 1 Timothy 1

DAY 30 1 Timothy 2 

Friends, let me leave you with this…our 30 day challenge closing:

(1)  Faith comes by hearing, and  hearing by the word of God

(2)  Without Faith it is impossible to please God

 (3)  Faith without works is dead 

Philippians 4:8

New International Version (NIV)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 

Walk in the Spirit, 

Prophetess Deanna Mack 

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